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赌搏十大靠谱软件 pursues its mission by “continuing to enhance student success and competitive edge in academic excellence and career pursuits” (2018-2025 SUNO Strategic Plan) which supports a commitment to student learning and achievement. 的 南方学院协会学院委员会 (SACSCOC) also recognizes that student learning and student success are paramount to member institutions.

2018年认可原则:提高质量的基础 包括特别关注学生成绩的标准. 原则8.1是一个核心要求,并指出:“机构识别, 评估, and publishes goals and outcomes for student achievement appropriate to the institution’s mission, 它所服务的学生的性质, 以及提供的课程种类. 该机构使用多种方法来记录学生的成功. (学生成绩)[CR]”(SACSCOC, 2017).

To demonstrate compliance with this standard 赌搏十大靠谱软件 identifies the graduation rate of 第一次,全日制学生按3 / 6年为准 学生成绩标准.  Supporting key performance indicators leading to the success of meeting or exceeding the graduation rate criterion are the retention rates of first-time, 全日制新生(1)st to 2nd 第1年st to 3rd 年)及牌照考试的表现.


第一学期到第二学期的保留率, 全日制新生队列提供了衡量学生成就的标准. 表1描述了SUNO的保留率趋势和每个队列的目标. SUNO 2018-2025 Strategic Plan goal for the retention of 1st to 2nd year is to meet or exceed the Fall 24 to Fall 25 target of 55%.  




的 University operated an Open Admission policy since inception in which a High School G.P.A. of 2.0是主要的入学要求. 的 Louisiana Board of Regents mandated the University to adopt a Selective Admission policy, 要求数学和英语的最低ACT或SAT分数以及其他标准, 2010年秋季生效. 因此,2010年秋季之前的所有队列都在开放录取政策下被录取. As Cohorts admitted under Selective Admission reached their 150% level of graduation, i.e. 副学士学位课程3年, 学士学位课程6年, the University has been achieving even higher graduation rates as depicted in Table 3 and Figure 1 (Cohorts 2010, 2011, 2012).

的 threshold of acceptability (minimum expectation) for the SUNO overall six-year graduation rate of first-time, 全日制学生占20%. 第一次的目标毕业率, full-time students within six years is to meet or exceed the Academic Year 2024-2025 25% target for Cohort 2019 as it is the goal set in the 2018-2025 SUNO Strategic Plan.

赌搏十大靠谱软件 is one of four public 4 Year Louisiana Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). 作为一所HBCU,为少数族裔学生提供服务对其使命至关重要. 毕业率是按黑人或非裔美国人和佩尔奖学金获得者分类的. 最终, it is expected that the increase in SUNO overall graduation rates will parallel an increase with respective graduation rates for SUNO’s native first-time, 全日制新生黑人或非裔美国人和佩尔奖学金获得者. 另外, 在机构领导的支持下, SUNO expects a continuous improvement in graduation rates and aspires to achieve graduation rates that will shadow or exceed the average of its peer institutions holding more selective admissions requirements.




的 licensure examinations applicable to 赌搏十大靠谱软件 are the Praxis exams required by the College of Education and Human Development majors and the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) Certifications required by the Health Information Management Systems majors.  数据如表4所示.

教育与人类发展学院的通过率达到100%. Health Information Management Systems certification was below the target for the first four years. It was discovered that some graduates who had not participated in a board examination-taking remediation courses took the AHIMA examination on their own and failed. 为了避免这种情况, the curriculum was revised in 2017 to include a course that specifically prepares students for the board examination. 2017年至2018年的通过率达到67%,这一战略似乎取得了成效.



In accordance with the 赌搏十大靠谱软件 mission that the institution “empowers and promotes the upward mobility of diverse populations of traditional and nontraditional students through quality academic programs” SUNO is committed to equipping citizens primarily from the New Orleans Metropolitan area and across the state of Louisiana with the knowledge, 进入劳动力市场的技能和能力支持学生的成功成就.

Job placement data from the most recent Employment Outcomes Report helps the institution measure student success and improve programs. Although the employment success of SUNO completers is underestimated when only data from within the State of Louisiana are available, this limitation should be noted that data holds only graduates who are employed in the State of Louisiana are included in the analysis. 除了, it should also be noted that data solicited from the National Student Clearing house showed that 27% of undergraduate completers [442 out of 1,630 Summer 2013 through Spring 2018 5-year] continue to Graduate/Professional School upon graduation.

总的来说,完成SUNO项目的人都成功地找到了工作. 的 most recent three-year trends continue a successful employment rate pattern of 60% or more completers employed 2nd Quarter post-Graduation ranging between 63% to 66%. 6th 毕业后四分之一的比例在59-71%之间

Table 5 depicts Employment Rate by Degree Level for the most recent three Academic Year Completers, i.e. 2015-16、2016-17、2017-18学年. Original Cohort (OC) is defined as the number of completers for the highest degree level attained by the graduate for the respective Academic Year. Graduates reported in the Unemployment Insurance (UI) records and/or found to be re-enrolled in public higher education post-graduation were excluded from the OC. 完工商第二和第六季度就业率和平均工资报告如下. 2位CIP代码的详细报告 也是可用的.



南方大学新奥尔良战略计划2018-2025. (2019)摘自

南方学院协会学院委员会. (2017). 2018年认可原则:质量提升的基础. 作者. 佐治亚州迪凯特. 检索: